Tuesday 16 July 2024

GQ Magazines

Industries: the appeal of print - blog tasks

Work through the following tasks to complete your work on magazines. You will find the reading gives you a brilliant insight into a vital aspect of media - the power of independent institutions.

1) Writer's Edit journal article

Read this excellent Writer's Edit academic journal article on the independent magazine industry and answer the following questions:

1) What is the definition of an independent print magazine?

An independent print magazine is produced without corporate funding, allowing for freedom and a focus interests.

2) What does Hamilton (2013) suggest about independent magazines in the digital age?

Couldn't find the source

3) Why does the article suggest that independent magazines might be succeeding while global magazine publishers such as Bauer are struggling?

The article suggests that independent magazines do better while Bauer struggle because independents focus on niche audiences with unique content.

4) What does the article suggest about how independent publishers use digital media to target their niche audiences?

The article suggests that independent publishers target digital media for lower costs of promotion.

5) Why is it significant that independent magazines are owned and created by the same people? How does this change the creative process and direction of the magazine?

Independent magazines owned and created by the same people have more freedom and there's less editorial decisions and financial issues.

6) What does the article suggest regarding the benefits of a 'do-it-yourself' approach to creating independent magazines?

The article suggests that the DIY approach of independent magazines creates a sense of ownership, allowing creators to be creative over worrying about mainstream appeal.

7) The article discusses the audience appeal of print. Why might audiences love the printed form in the digital age?

The article suggests print's appeal is because it's almost like a collectors item.

8) What are the challenges in terms of funding and distributing an independent magazine?

Independent magazines face issues like funding and getting noticed in a crowded market.

2) Irish Times feature on independent magazines

Now read this short feature in the Irish Times on the growth of independent magazines and answer the following questions:

1) Why are independent magazines so popular?

Independent magazines are popular due to their niche focus, creative freedom, and quality print.

2) Why is the magazine publishing industry set up to favour the big global conglomerates?

The magazine publishing industry prefers big conglomerates because they have the resources for wider distribution.

3) What does the article suggest regarding finding an audience for an independent magazine?

The article suggests finding an audience for an independent magazine involves seeking a passionate niche community and offering unique content.

4) What are the challenges for magazine distributors?

Magazine distributors face challenges like lower print sales, competition from digital media, and rising costs for printing and delivery.

5) The article suggests that many independent magazines only make money by diversifying into other products. What examples do they give?

The article mentions independent magazines using events, merch, or streams.

3) Interview with Ruth Jamieson

Finally, read 
this excellent interview with Ruth Jamieson, who has written a book on the renaissance of the independent magazine sector. Answer these three quick questions: 

1) What does Ruth Jamieson suggest about the 'death of print'?

 At the time people still asked, “is print dead?” but it seemed obvious to me that it was very much alive and kicking.

2) What are the common themes for successful independent magazines?

Successful independent magazines often focus on a niche ideas with high-quality content.

3) How many of these aspects can you find in The Gentlewoman?

It focuses on a niche audience (women) with high-quality content.



The Gentlewoman describes its audience: 

“The Gentlewoman is enjoyed by confident, independent and stylish women and men from a strikingly broad range of age groups. 

“Characterised by their desire for cultural entertainment in their media, readers of The Gentlewoman enjoy the highest quality fashion, social pursuits and creative happenings.”

Media Kit
The best way to learn about The Gentlewoman's audience is via the Media Kit (you'll need your Greenford Google login to open). 

Audience theory: Clay Shirky
Clay Shirky suggests the 20th century media model “with professional producers and amateur consumers” has been replaced by a more chaotic landscape that allows consumers to be producers and distributors. The Gentlewoman is fighting back against this, offering a curated, high-quality mix of writing, fashion and photography. 

Shirky says: “We now publish first, and then filter.  We find the good stuff after the fact.” In contrast to this, The Gentlewoman is trying to offer its readers the ‘good stuff’ without having to filter it first.

Audience pleasures
There are many potential audience pleasures for The Gentlewoman readers. Applying Blumler & Katz’s Uses & Gratifications theory, three in particular would be:

Personal identity: Readers enjoy having their lifestyle and fashion choices endorsed and reflected by the magazine. The magazine promises to feature “women as they actually look, sound and dress.” 

Personal relationships: The Gentlewoman is presented as a club to be part of – literally in the sense of in-person events around the world. 

Surveillance: The Gentlewoman describes itself as “Intelligent, opinionated and entertaining, it has set a new standard in women’s magazines with its high-quality writing”. 


The Gentlewoman is published by Dutch independent publishers Gert Jonkers and Jop van Bennekom – a huge contrast to GQ and Condé Nast. 

They created The Gentlewoman as a women’s version of their “genre defining gentleman’s style journal” Fantastic Man.

Despite being a niche London-based magazine, The Gentlewoman reflects the global nature of the media. The website and social media are major reasons for its international reach. 

Its readers are based:

UK 51%
Europe 23%
USA 18%
Rest of the World 8%

The Gentlewoman Club
The Gentlewoman Club is an international society of the magazine’s readers, which currently has up to 39,000 active members – sophisticated women and men who demand quality and originality from their agenda of cultural happenings. These loyal subscribers attend the Club’s get-togethers in substantial numbers, notified of which via the Club’s monthly newsletter
and social media platforms.

This is an example of diversification – moving beyond a print magazine to offer readers experiences and events to engage with.

Magazines: regulation
The magazines industry is regulated by IPSO, the Independent Press Standards Organisation. This is an independent regulator - effectively meaning the industry is self-regulated by the Editors' Code of Practice. We will look at more on press regulation when we study newspapers. 

The Gentlewoman: Audience and Industries blog tasks

There are five reasonably short tasks for The Gentlewoman - Audience and Industries plus some optional extension work for those aiming for the very top grades. Create a blogpost called 'The Gentlewoman: Audience and Industries' and work through the following:

1) Media Magazine feature: Pleasures of The Gentlewoman

Go to our Media Magazine archive and read the article on The Gentlewoman (MM84 - page 34). Answer the following questions:

1) What does the article suggest is different about the Gentlewoman compared to traditional women's magazines? 

The Gentlewoman is often noted for its difference in traditional women's magazines by focusing on accomplished women.

2) What representations are offered in the Gentlewoman?  

The Gentlewoman represents diverse women showcasing their achievements and perspectives across different platforms. 

3) List the key statistics in the article on the average reader of the magazine. 

Didn't have access 

4) What is The Gentlewoman Club? 

The Gentlewoman Club is an exclusive membership, offering members access to special events and exclusive content.

5) What theorists does it suggest we can apply to the Gentlewoman's club?

The Gentlewoman's club might suggest applying social theorists who explore identity, such as Judith Butler.

6) What does the writer of article suggest they are getting out of their relationship with the magazine?

they are gaining a sense of belonging, exclusive access to events, and experiences through their relationship with The Gentlewoman magazine.

7) Who are the team behind the magazine?

The team behind The Gentlewoman includes Penny Martin,  photographers, stylists, writers, and designers who.

8) How does the Gentlewoman use their website and social media to promote the magazine? 

The Gentlewoman uses their website and social media to build a online community that interests the print magazine.

9) What are the 'creative collaborations' in the magazine? How do they 'spill over into real life'?

The Gentlewoman features creative collabs that push boundaries and inspire trends.

10) How does the article sum up the audience pleasures of the Gentlewoman? 

the article highlights the magazine's ability to offer a aesthetically pleasing magazine that celebrates intelligent women.

2) The Gentlewoman Media kit

Look through The Gentlewoman's Media Kit and answer the following questions:

1) How does the Media Kit introduce the magazine?

the magazine celebrates women of style and offers a fresh perspective on fashion.

2) On the 'Digital' page, what different sections of the website are there and how do these offer opportunities for audience engagement and interaction? 

The Gentlewoman's website features articles, allowing for comments and potential shopping opportunities to happen.

3) What are the audience demographics for The Gentlewoman?

The Gentlewoman targets a niche audience of stylish, independent women with a high income.

4) What is The Gentlewoman Club and what does it offer readers?

The Gentlewoman Club is a membership offered by The Gentlewoman magazine. It provides readers with exclusive access and benefits.

5) What Creative Collaborations

the Gentlewoman pairs writers, photographers, stylists, artists, and even collaborates with brands.

3) D&AD Award Winner feature

1) How is the magazine described?

2) What does it say about the content and design of The Gentlewoman?

The D&AD award recognises The Gentlewoman's content and artistic design on fashion.

3) How are the readers described?

The D&AD feature describes readers as sophisticated women who appreciate content and unique fashion.

4) Business of Fashion website feature 

Read this Business of Fashion feature on The Gentlewoman - the magazine that is also a club. If you don't want to sign up to the website (free) then you can access the text of the article on Google Drive here (you'll need your Greenford Google login). Answer the following questions: 

1) What events are listed as part of The Gentlewoman Club?

The Gentlewoman Club offers exclusive events, workshops, or talks.

2) Why does it suggest the magazine has managed to 'cut through the clutter'?

The D&AD award suggests The Gentlewoman offers a alternative to mainstream fashion.

3) How are Gentlewoman Club tickets given out? 

Through Email

4) Why are Club events valuable from a digital perspective? 

Club events have a sense of community and exclusivity, allowing digital members to engage.

5) Website and social media research

1) Visit The Gentlewoman's website. How does it promote the magazine? 

The Gentlewoman's website promotes the magazine with  glimpses into Club benefits, and opportunities.

2) Visit the magazine page of the website. How much of the magazine is available to view online? Is this a smart marketing technique to sell print copies or is it giving content away for free? 

The Gentlewoman's website uses a mix of content glimpses and member-exclusive content to allow print sales or selling premium memberships.

3) Look at The Gentlewoman's Twitter feed. What content from the magazine or Club events can you find on there? 

Features snippets of the magazine articles and Club event highlights.

4) Go to The Gentlewoman's Instagram page. How does it encourage the audience to engage with the magazine? 

The Gentlewoman's Instagram uses glimpses of magazine articles and community shows to engage with the magazine.

5) What representations of fashion and gender can you find on their Instagram page? 

Based on The Gentlewoman's focus on independent women and on fashion, their Instagram showcases a range of styles.

The Gentlewoman


Magazines: The Gentlewoman - Language and Representations

The first part of our case study on The Gentlewoman will focus on media language and representations.

The Gentlewoman deliberately offers an alternative version of the women's fashion magazine genre and we need to explore how page design, content and conventions are used or subverted to create this effect. We also need to consider the different representations that can be found in these features.

You need to really get to know the selected CSP pages for this edition of The Gentlewoman featuring Scarlett Johansson on the cover. You can download the Gentlewoman selected CSP pages as a PDF here - you'll need to log in to your Greenford Google account to download them.

Notes from the lesson

The Gentlewoman: an introduction
The Gentlewoman is an alternative independent women’s fashion magazine aimed at a niche audience.

It was launched in 2010 and is published just twice a year with around 100,000 copies distributed worldwide. 

Social and cultural contexts
The Gentlewoman is part of a development in lifestyle and environmental movements of the early 21st century which rebrand consumerism as an ethical movement. 

Its representation of femininity reflects an aspect of the feminist movement which celebrates authenticity and empowerment. As part of the design-led, independent magazine sector, The Gentlewoman can also be seen as part of a movement responding to the idea of ‘Internet fatigue’.

The Gentlewoman editor: Penny Martin
Penny Martin has edited the magazine since its launch. "I'm interested in how modern women live, from the way they drink, dance, drive and speak to the way they sign their letters or conduct their divorces. It's about putting those women at the centre of the material world around them. That balance is important to us." 

Cover stars have ranged from 88-year-old actor Angela Lansbury to popstar Beyoncé, looking calm, strong and composed in Dior with a face free of make-up. 

What is a gentlewoman?
In the first issue – called ‘Modernist’ – Penny Martin defined the term:

The magazine’s subjects would be “stylish, intrepid, and often hilarious” contemporary women, and they would be depicted in journalism and portraits that reflected “women as they actually look, sound and dress.” 

In contrast to “the passive and cynical cool of recent decades,” Martin wrote, “The Gentlewoman champions the optimism, sincerity, and ingenuity that actually get things done.”

The Gentlewoman: Language and Representation blog tasks

Close-textual analysis

Work through the following tasks to complete your close-textual analysis of the Gentlewoman CSP pages:

Gentlewoman front cover 

1) What do the typefaces used on the front cover suggest to an audience?

The typefaces used on the front cover of Gentlewoman suggest sophistication, appealing to an audience interested in style and culture.

2) How does the cover subvert conventional magazine cover design?

The Gentlewoman cover subverts conventional magazine design by featuring unconventional placement of text and imagery, and a focus on unique personalities rather than traditional glamor.

3) Write an analysis of the central image.

Central image of Scarlett seems to include heavy eye makeup along with a close up of her face.

4) What representations of gender and celebrity can be found on this front cover?

On the front cover of Gentlewoman featuring Scarlett Johansson, representations of gender and celebrity are depicted through her confident appearance.

5) What gender and representation theories can we apply to this cover of the Gentlewoman? 

The cover of Gentlewoman featuring Scarlett Johansson challenges traditional gender roles by emphasising her individuality, applying theories like the male gaze.

Feature: Modern Punches

1) How does the feature on Ramla Ali use narrative to engage the audience? Apply narrative theories here.

Narrative of her boxing journey, focusing on key moments and her life, which creates empathy and admiration among readers.

2) What representations can you find in this feature - both interview and image?

In the feature on Ramla Ali, she is portrayed as an amazing athlete through interviews emphasising determination, complemented by images showcasing her strength and skill in boxing.

3) What representation theories can we apply to the Modern Punches feature? 

The "Modern Punches" feature can be seen using Stuart Hall's encoding/decoding theory, which explores how media messages are created and interpreted by audiences.

Feature: Isabella Tree interview

1) Why is this feature unconventional for a women's lifestyle and fashion magazine? Comment on the use media language in these pages. 

This feature on Isabella Tree is unconventional for a women's lifestyle magazine as it focuses on topics like environmental conservation rather than fashion trends.

2) How does the Isabella Tree feature reflect the social and cultural contexts of contemporary Britain? Think about AQA's discussion of lifestyle, environmental issues and ethical movements.

The Isabella Tree feature reflects British concerns about biodiversity, and ethical movements, wanting people to be environmentally aware.

3) What representations of nature can be found in this feature?

The feature on Isabella Tree portrays nature through descriptions of landscapes, wildlife habitats, and the environment.

Feature: Stella McCartney and vegan fashion

1) How does this feature reflect contemporary social and cultural contexts?

This feature on Isabella Tree addresses contemporary concerns like environmental issues and climate change.

2) Comment on the typography and page design in this feature.

clean fonts and white space, complemented by nature imagery to add to the theme of the environment.

3) What representations can be found in the image accompanying this feature? 

The image accompanying this feature shows natural landscapes, presenting the environments beauty.


Read this Business of Fashion interview with The Gentlewoman editor Penny Martin. If you don't want to sign up to the website (free) then you can access the text of the article on Google Drive here (you'll need your Greenford Google login). Answer the following questions: 

1) What type of magazine did Penny Martin, Gert Jonkers and Jop van Bennekom want to create? 

They wanted to create a magazine that challenged traditional fashion norms.

2) What representations of modern women did they try to construct for the magazine?

They aimed to construct representations of modern women that were diverse, and authentic, showcasing a range of lifestyles beyond stereotypes.

3) What examples of cover stars reflect the diversity in the magazine's content? 

Cover stars of The Gentlewoman reflect diversity through featuring women of colour, presenting their achievements.

4) What is Penny Martin's view on feminism and whether the magazine is feminist?

Penny Martin sees feminism as a key point to The Gentlewoman's identity, presenting women's achievements and perspectives.

5) Look at the end of the article. How does the Gentlewoman help readers construct or reflect their identity by engaging with events and spaces beyond the magazine? 

The Gentlewoman helps readers construct their identity by connecting with them during cultural events and influential figures.

Magazine GQ - Audience and Industry


To explore the Audience context for GQ we need to explore who reads GQ and what audience pleasures might be linked to the brand.

GQ: numbers
GQ (UK edition) had a circulation of around 85,000 in January 2022 (a slight decline on the 89,000 in 2021) which included 33,000 free copies (e.g. provided to airport lounges/Eurostar). GQ’s total readership is around 200,000 meaning each copy is read on average by 2 or 3 people. 

Definitions: Circulation is the actual number of copies printed and distributed. Readership is an estimate of how many people read the magazine in total (also known as readers-per-copy). For GQ, copies in an airport lounge may be read by many different people.

Circulation figures are provided by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) and readership estimates by the National Readership Survey (NRS).

Demographics and psychographics
GQ has a largely middle class readership:

ABC1: 61%

With an average household income of £138k, GQ attracts wealthy readers with money to spend. This encourages top-end brands to advertise with the magazine.

The GQ Media Pack focuses on products that reflect a certain lifestyle such as fashion, watches, grooming and cars. This would suggest targeting the Aspirer and Succeeder psychographic groups.

Audience pleasures
There are many potential audience pleasures for GQ readers. Applying Blumler & Katz’s Uses & Gratifications theory, two in particular would be:

Personal identity: Readers enjoy having their lifestyle reflected and endorsed through reading the magazine.

Surveillance: GQ focuses on offering a range of content to help their readers be informed about the world – particularly in terms of politics, fashion and culture.


To explore the Industries context for GQ we need to study publisher Conde Nast and look at the impact of digital media on the print magazine industry. 

This means interrogating why the internet has had such a devastating effect on certain print brands and why some other magazines are continuing to survive in the digital age. We also need to spend some time on the GQ website and study social media and video content to see how the brand is expanding beyond print.

GQ publisher: Conde Nast

Condé Nast was founded in 1909 in New York. It describes itself: 

“Condé Nast is one of the world's most renowned media companies creating and distributing every type of media today — print, video and film, digital, audio and social – widening our influence through technological innovation and by fully leveraging the global infrastructure we've built for over a century.”
Its revenue was just under $2billion in 2021 but in previous years had been losing $100m a year.

Condé Nast is owned by Advance Publications which makes it a case study in conglomerate ownership. Advance Publications is also a major shareholder in website Reddit and Warner Bros. Discovery.

The impact of digital media on the magazine industry

Suggestions for SWOT analysis of the impact of digital media on magazines:
  • Strengths: Magazine brands are well established to diversify online, audiences already know and like them.
  • Weaknesses: Print publishers do not have the expertise or knowledge of digital – it is a very different medium.
  • Opportunities: Magazines can find new audiences online.
  • Threats: Audiences will stop buying paper products and expect everything online for free. 
Ultimately, it is this threat that has had the most devastating impact on the industry: 
  • Print sales fell by 42% from 23.8m to 13.9m between 2010 and 2017. 
  • Back in 2000, sales were over 30m – signalling a 55% decline in just 17 years.
  • Advertising in consumer magazines fell from £512m in 2010 to £250m in 2017. 
  • Google and Facebook now dominate online advertising (they account for 65% of the UK digital ad market).
As a result of these changes, many magazines have closed.

GQ and diversification

The decline in print media has meant traditional print publishers like Condé Nast have had to diversify on to digital platforms and live experiences.

This means social media and video and streaming content is crucial to the GQ brand alongside the GQ Heroes summit held in Oxfordshire each summer. It is described:

“GQ Heroes is a premier event for top-tier business and creative minds, bringing together some of the world's most influential figures to discuss the evolving nature of industry and creativity in a world that's changing by the second.”


GQ - Audience & Industries blog tasks


Look through the GQ Media Kit and answer the following questions: 

1) How does the media kit introduction describe GQ?

The GQ Media Kit describes GQ as a leading men's fashion and lifestyle magazine, it highlights the magazine's influence on culture, fashion, and trends.

2) What does the media kit suggest about masculinity? 

The GQ Media Kit suggests that masculinity is evolving and  embraces both traditional and modern views. It promotes a confident, and stylish image of men.

3) Pick out three statistics from the data on page 2 and explain what they suggest about the GQ audience.

  • Median Age: 38 - This suggests GQ's audience is primarily middle aged.
  • Average Household Income: $91,000 - GQ readers tend to be well off.
  • 82% Male Readership - The magazine predominantly is read by men, focusing on male interests and issues.

  • 4) Look at page 3 - brand highlights. What special editions do GQ run and what do these suggest about the GQ audience?

    GQ runs special editions like the Men of the Year issue, Style Bible, and Best-Dressed List. These suggest the GQ audience values fashion and trends in their lifestyle.

    5) Still on page 3, what does the video and social series section suggest about how magazine audiences are changing? 

    The video and social series section suggests that magazine audiences are increasingly using digital and interactive content. Means that they're consuming media through online platforms and social media rather than traditional print.

    Media Magazine feature: GQ
    Go to our Media Magazine archive and read the article on GQ (MM82 - page 12). Answer the following questions:

    1) What are the elements that go into choosing a cover stars for GQ? 

    Choosing a cover star for GQ involves considering their influence, and appeal to the magazine's audience.

    2) How is the magazine constructed to serve the target audience? 

    GQ is constructed with fashion, lifestyle and culture a, it shows its target audience sophisticated, stylish, and relevant information.

    3) What does the article suggest about GQ's advertisers and sponsorships - and what in turn does this tell us about the GQ audience? 

    The article suggests that GQ's advertisers include good quality fashion and luxury goods. This indicates that the GQ audience can afford luxury and exclusivity.

    4) What is GQ Hype - and how does it reflect the impact of digital media on traditional print media?

    GQ Hype is GQ's digital-first weekly edition that reflects the impact of digital media by showing the need for engagement beyond traditional print.

    5) Finally, what does the article say about additional revenue streams for print magazines like GQ?  

    The article mentions additional revenue streams for print magazines like GQ, such as digital subscriptions and events. These streams help differ income beyond traditional print.


    Your industries contexts are divided into three areas - Conde Nast, GQ's website and social media content and the impact of digital media on print industries.

    Condé Nast

    Read this Guardian news article on editorial changes at Condé Nast and answer the following questions: 

    1) Who was previously GQ editor for 22 years? 

    Dylan Jones

    2) What happened to the 'lads' mag' boom magazines such as Nuts, Maxim and Loaded? 

    Declined in popularity and eventually stopped being released.

    3) What changes have been taking place at Condé Nast in recent years and why? 

    Condé Nast has been making changes to adapt to how people now use media, like focusing more on digital.

    Read this Press Gazette article on Conde Nast. Answer the following questions:

    1) What does the article suggest about Condé Nast's recent strategy? 

    Condé Nast has been shifting its focus towards digital media and its brands to stay relevant.

    2) How does chief executive Roger Lynch describe Condé Nast and why? 

    Chief executive Roger Lynch describes Condé Nast as a company with famous brands that are changing to meet what people want now.

    3) What does Adam Baidawi say about Condé Nast, GQ and culture? 

    Adam Baidawi talks about how Condé Nast and GQ influence modern culture through their content and trends they promote.

    1) How is Condé Nast moving away from traditional print products?

    Condé Nast is moving away from traditional print products by focusing more on digital platforms and content.

    2) What examples are provided of Condé Nast's video and streaming content?

    Condé Nast produces video content like Vogue's "73 Questions," and GQ's celebrity interviews.

    3) What does the end of the article suggest modern media audiences want? 

    The end of the article suggests that modern media  want diverse and engaging digital content that is relevant.

    GQ website, video and social media content 

    Visit the GQ websiteInstagram and YouTube channel. Note that some of these may be blocked in school. Once you have looked over GQ's online content, answer the following questions:

    1) What similarities do you notice between the website and the print edition of the magazine?

    They feature similar high-quality fashion and lifestyle content, celebrity interviews, and articles.

    2) Analyse the top menu of the GQ website (e.g. Fashion / Grooming / Culture). What do the menu items suggest about GQ's audience?

    The top menu of the GQ website suggests that its audience values fashion, grooming, culture, and a diverse lifestyle.

    3) Is this appealing to a similar audience to the print version of the magazine?

    Yes, the content on the GQ website appeal to the same audience as the print version of the magazine, focusing on style, culture, grooming, and lifestyle.

    4) In your opinion, is GQ's social media content designed to sell the print magazine or build a digital audience? Why?

    GQ's social media content is designed to build a following by engaging their audience with shareable content that is similar with their media consumption.

    5) Evaluate the success of the GQ brand online. Does it successfully communicate with its target audience? Will the digital platforms eventually replace the print magazine completely?

    GQ has succeeded online by engaging its target audience with diverse and relevant content. While digital platforms are more used, print magazines still hold value, like a collectors item.

    The impact of digital media on the print magazines industry

    Read this Guardian feature on the struggles of the UK print magazine industry and answer the following questions:

    1) What statistics are provided to demonstrate the decline in the print magazines industry between 2010 and 2017? What about the percentage decline from 2000?

    Magazine circulation in the UK fell by 44% from 2010 to 2017, with some places experiencing over 70% declines since 2000.

    2) What percentage of ad revenue is taken by Google and Facebook?

    Google and Facebook collectively take a large share of digital revenue, at around 80%.

    3) What strategies can magazine publishers use to remain in business in the digital age?

    Magazine publishers can stay in business by diversifying income through digital subscriptions and creating niche content.

    4) What examples from the Guardian article are provided to demonstrate how magazines are finding new revenue streams?

    Magazines are exploring new revenue streams like digital subscriptions, events, branded content, and partnerships.

    5) Now think of the work you've done on GQ. How is GQ diversifying beyond print?
    • Digital Content

    • Social Media

    • Digital Subscriptions

    • Branded Content

    • Events

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